Our classroom is HUGE!!

The parking is AMAZING!!!

Work on your own 6’ table.

Cutting station provided.

Class supplies:

Basic Sewing Supplies

Sewing Machine with

Power cords and manual (just in case)


Machine needles

Snips or trimming scissors

Seam ripper

Basic Quilting Supplies

Rotary cutter with a sharp blade

Marking Pencil (Mechanical will do)

Sharpie marker (Fine point)

Small cutting mat

Straight edge ruler approx. 6" x 12" or so

Invisigrip (Required)

Best Press or light starch (Optional

Tucker University Classes!

Embark on an exciting quilting journey with Tucker University Freshman year! Studio 180 Design® Instructor, Terri Butler, will lead Semester One at the Memorial Park Community Center in Johnson City, TN. Open to quilters of all levels proficient with a rotary cutter and able to sew a precise ¼” seam, this program is ideal for novices and a skill-refining opportunity for veterans. Each class explores a unique Studio 180 Design tool, expanding its applications. Crafting 4" finished units enables the creation of innovative blocks for a unique quilt design. Let your creativity flow!

Classes run from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on the second Saturday monthly, starting July 13th, 2024, through June 14th, 2025 (August class on the third Saturday).

Enjoy a 20% discount on tools and sheets when you enroll.

The cost is $40 per class. Pick and choose classes as you wish; however, each class builds on the last.

Get ready for monthly tips, tricks, and surprises!

Are you prepared to enhance your quilting skills and join in the fun?"

Tucker University Freshman Year class schedule:

·       July 13, 2024: Tucker Trimmer

·       August 17, 2024: V Block

·       September 14, 2024: Wing Clipper 1

·       October 12, 2024: Square Squared

·       November 9, 2024: Corner Beam

·       December 14, 2024: Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star

·       January 11, 2025: Corner Pop

·       February 8, 2025: Split Rects

·       March 8, 2025: Diamond Rects

·       April 12, 2025: Large Square Squared

·       May 10, 2025: Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star - Advanced 1

·       June 14, 2025: Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star - Advanced 2

Let's make quilting not only precise but also a whole lot of fun!